Our Story

Welcome to Elrock Jewels, a distinguished name in the world of luxury and elegance, ideally located in the vibrant New York City’s Diamond District. Elrock Jewels may be a new entrant in the online luxury jewelry market, but it is rooted in a profound legacy that dates back to 1971. This rich history in polished diamond manufacturing and B2B jewelry trade forms the backbone of our brand’s unparalleled expertise.

For over five decades, we have honed our craft, working meticulously behind the scenes as a B2B powerhouse, supplying exquisitely polished diamonds and bespoke jewelry pieces to various high-end brands. This extensive experience has given us an in-depth understanding of the nuances of diamond quality, design innovation, and crafting techniques that are second to none.

Elrock Jewels represents the evolution of this journey. While our roots are deeply embedded in the traditional art of diamond craftsmanship, Elrock Jewels emerges as a contemporary brand, aiming to bring this legacy directly to the discerning individual consumer. We have transitioned from a strictly B2B focus to launching an exclusive online platform, where the wealth of our expertise is now accessible to a broader audience.


Our collection, a testament to our rich heritage, showcases an exceptional range of diamond rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, each piece embodying the height of sophistication and style. Our unwavering commitment to quality and authenticity, cultivated over the years, ensures that every piece from Elrock Jewels is a masterpiece in its own right.

Embark on a journey with Elrock Jewels, where our history in crafting the finest diamonds meets the future of luxury online shopping. Here, every piece tells a story of excellence honed since 1971, and every purchase marks the beginning of a new legacy – yours. Join us in celebrating the timeless beauty and elegance that is Elrock Jewels, where history and modernity converge to create something truly extraordinary.

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